‘Gabsitting’ — My Pet Sitting Life

2 min readMar 6, 2021

I started pet sitting when I was a junior in college. I have a pet sitting business but my number 1 clients are one old fish, 3 dogs, and 4 different personalities and needs.

Petsitting was a side hustle and I would call ‘passion’ that I could handle. Something that brought me joy and a bit of cash so I felt responsible for fun. I’ve taken care of sick, healthy, energetic, and sassy animals. They have a story, and so do I.

My number 1 client family has supported me during times of heartbreak, school drama, and dilemmas. Since I can’t have an animal of my own right now, these animals have given me so much love and appreciation for all the dog, cat, lizard, and bird owner parents out there! It takes a lot of work but it’s worth it. Even tho I am the ‘Gabsitter,’ I find myself even more exhausted yet rejuvenated with love, dedication, and a side of patience.

I saved a fish from a filter malfunction, successfully intervened when two dogs were in the ‘mood,’ saved multiple expensive rugs, boosted the scratchy belly game, and have given some love/healing medicine, including the bottled kind for the sick and from my own heart. I think I have a Snowhite gene (don’t worry, birds don’t come flying when I sing!)

My journey with these animals has brought me closer to my gift. I have always been closer to animals than my own generation. I find myself checking in on my campus squirrels, apologizing to a sidewalk bird for disturbing his puddle drink, and knowing my neighbor's dogs more than them…. I don’t even know the human's name! Especially during this time, animals have given me a purpose to spread my love and feel it back with unconditional kisses, clothes in need of a lint roller, paw slaps, and late-night cuddles.

Dogs look up at me, cats find me chill enough to hang, hamsters are eager to nibble on your fingers, and fish just appreciate a clean tank. I know all of them enjoy the love which I always promise every time I Gabsit.

Gabsit is a gift that I call a side hustle, but is really just my passion becoming an everyday reality.




petsitter enthusiast | kalimba musician | bohemian genes | proud marketing grad - nice to e-meet you :)